
To Fridge or Not To Fridge

We came back from Cabo to find our fridge had burned out...not a great way to return home.

So, after work, Matt and I went and bought a new refrigerator. We were amazed that we all (girls included) agreed on one fridge (we had been fridge shopping a year ago and gave up because we all fought). We bought it, scheduled the delivery and headed home in celebration.

Then we measured! To make sure it would fit, we remeasured the cabinet and realized it was at least 6 inches too deep and would stick out into the kitchen.

Matt said he could live with it. I could not. For the first time, I didn't second guess myself and insisted we cancel our order

This is the first time I have ever bought something so expensive and returned it the same day. It is also the first time I listened to myself and didn't just "live with" it.



Pür Jenius