Took a trip to Starbucks and tried the new chocolate banana Vivanno smoothie drink. Not too impressed. Tasted like the Slim Fast shakes I make myself every morning. Come on Starbucks--take it up a notch.
Reading Between the Lines
Celebrating Belle Chere today!
Me Just Being Miley
Today I picked something from the list my sister Sam sent me. Being her devious self, she suggested that I listen to an entire Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana CD--in its entirety! I know she thought that would be torture. Since Sophie is such a fan, I figured I had already be subjected to such misery. But, as I looked at the albums on Sophie's iPod, I learned that I had NOT listened to an entire Hannah Montana CD.
Hemp Piss
Ok, I love Dr. Oz, but he is off his rocker when he says Hemp milk tastes good.
Trip to Fresh Market
Asheville has some pretty cool specialty grocery stores. I often shop at Earthfare and Green Life, so I assumed Fresh Market would be pretty similar, if not sub par with the others given its location. However, today I stopped by the Fresh Market on Merrimon to see what the hype is all about.
Jenn Deere
I am now a true Southerner. Not sure I am proud of that, but its true. Today, I learned how to mow the field with Matt's John Deere (notice I said Matt's!) riding lawn mower. It is not as easy as I thought it would be. Driving is easy, but mowing is hard. Apparently, I did not do a great job because Matt fired me after I did one full circle. Not that I am crying. Mowing is boring! It is slow and tedious... Matt said I had to make sure the lines were straight! Give me a break! I'll let him have that chore all to himself!
"Tool Man" Tyner
No creativity today! So, I did chores. One item lingering on Matt's "Honey Do" list was to make bed slats for Sophie's bed. I decided to take on the challenge. I am pleased to announce I made six bed slats (out of real wood!) for her bed. They worked perfectly.